Banks, Australian Taxation Office, Bankruptcy

Written on the 2 April 2020 by SAFCA

2. Banks, Australian Taxation Office, Bankruptcy

The Big 4 Banks are updating information regularly. So that you have the latest information, please visit the website for each Bank for their latest information.

Customer Owned Banks

Customer Owned Banks (eg Credit Unions, smaller banks) have issued a collective summary of relief being offered to their customers. Click below to read more details.

Customer owned banking sector supporting customers through COVID-19

Australian Taxation Office

The Australian Taxation Office has issued a statement entitled "Industry Stewardship Group - key messages". This statement includes information about early release of Superannuation and expenses you can claim when working from home, as well as other information for business, Bushfire assistance, and the Government's Stimulus package.

Industry Stewardship Group - key messages 26 March 2020

Bankruptcy Streamlining - Covid-19

AFSA has made temporary changes to it's delivery services for Australain in financial difficulty. From 1st April, AFSA will temporarily accept for assessment Bankruptcy Forms and Temporary Debt Protection forms which have been completed by FInancial Counsellors on behalf of clients. AFSA understand these forms will not have the signature of the applicant, or the declaration of an authorised witness who has sighted their identification documents.

For the full statement, click here



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