LSC of SA - Understanding amica

This free webinar will provide an overview of amica.
amica is a new online platform that provides amicable separating couples with a step-by-step online pathway to reach agreements about their parenting arrangements, and division of their property. 

This webinar will show you what amica looks like, how it works, what it produces for users, and the built-in safety screening.

amica is the first of its kind in Australia and won a national innovation prize in 2020; it is an excellent resource for community workers to know about.

It is part of our Law for Community Workers webinar series.  Community workers play a key role in assisting clients to understand the law and legal procedures, and to navigate the legal system.

This series of free webinars provides free, practical information about the law and the legal system for community workers across all fields of community work.

A certificate of attendance will be provided to all attendees.

Further Information:

See the Law for Community Workers page on our website:  

Or contact Annabel Kelly, Coordinator of the Law for Community Workers program:  or ph. 8111 5692



Starting:12:30 PM
Thursday 5th August 2021
Ending:1:30 PM
Phone Enquiries:0484816640


15-17 Glynburn Road
Glynde SA 5070