1.5hr Utilities Information Session - ConnectED

Information session on Time of Use tariffs, as that mandatory change will be underway by the end of the year.

Opportunity for open discussion, questions.

ConnectED are very keen to hear about any issues that  financial counsellors / financial capability workers are noticing on the ground, for instance, how people are experiencing the withdrawal of special pandemic protections, such as disruption to income and the non-disconnection conditions.


The ConnectEd service aims to increase knowledge, skills and resources for community members and sector workers on managing essential household utilities, including electricity, gas, water and communications.

The ConnectEd team can provide:

  • Free information and resources about utilities
  • Information and education sessions for members of the public who want to learn how to manage their utilities better
  • Training for community sector workers and volunteers that enables workers to provide better assistance to their clients and community members
  • Access to financial counsellors to help people to manage their debts, talk to creditors, and apply for other assistance (eligibility criteria apply)
  • Home visits from energy advisors to conduct energy assessments and deliver tailored energy advice (eligibility criteria apply)


Technical, 2 CPD points

Starting:2:00 PM
Wednesday 8th December 2021
Ending:3:30 PM
Phone Enquiries:+10484816640
Email Enquiries: steffany@safca.org.au


15-17 Glynburn Road
Glynde SA 5070